Valeri Cranston Works

Valeri Cranston

Valeri Cranston


Contemporary artist Valeri Cranston began her journey into art at the age of 7 in piano class. Bored with the lessons she began to draw on the sheet music. A call from the piano teacher to her mother soon got Valeri out of piano class and into an oil painting class. She immersed herself into all things art from that point forward. Valeri graduated from the University of Tulsa in 1979 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree and began working as a graphic artist and illustrator. She also holds an Associate Degree in Science and has worked in the healthcare field with critically ill children for over a decade before she retired.



Valeri’s art dabbles in both and ink. Her abstract alcohol ink pieces on Yupo paper have a strong composition while still leaving the subject up for interpretation. The intriguing colors she uses for her designs are deep and rich.



Upon moving to Granbury with her husband Jeff, she found her true INSPIRATION from Granbury’s rich and varied art community. That inspired her to dive back into painting regularly. Now she now devotes her time not only painting but exploring other mediums and painting styles in order to push her abilities further. She is currently working in alcohol inks and exploring the world of abstract representation.



Valeri has taught art classes and been invited to do demonstrations of her work in Texas and has been in many juried art exhibits including 

Lake Granbury Art Association, Trinity Arts Guild Open Show, Stars of Texas, Juried Art Exhibit, Rio Brazos Art Exhibition and Sale, Weatherford Peach Festival, Texas Artist Coalition, Breckenridge Fine Arts Show.